Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Is It Spring Yet?

Life gets crazy.
We're six weeks into the semester, and it's the time when assignments and tests and projects are out in full force. It's all too easy to get caught up in everything that's going on, so if you're feeling a little too stressed...
Find your happy place.
For me, that's taking advantage of the warm weather we have been having to sit outside and read. I'm already counting down the days to when we can officially say that cold weather is behind us, and spring weather is here to stay. 
A lot of the reading and discussions in class have been focused around the need for balance, and that's a topic that I covered in my post about TPACK. Balance is vital in the classroom, but it's also important to remember to have balance in your personal life.
So take a deep breath.
School, work, and other responsibilities may have you running every which way, but remember: the sun is shining. The sky is blue. Take 5 minutes to sit and enjoy that before you get back to what needs to be done. 

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