Tuesday, February 16, 2016

iMovie #TBT

Last Thursday in TEAC 259, we were tasked with making an iMovie as a group. The point was to practice using the technology with our groups so we were at least familiar with the program so we can use it for our video journals later in the semester. For me, the task took me back to the past, to the time in high school where iMovie was first introduced to me. I remember feeling as if a world of possibility had been unlocked; I could make my VERY OWN movies, chock full of cheesy transitions and special effects. As a junior in the journalism class, I had to make two editions of our weekly podcast. This was always a very stressful experience, so naturally are most of my memories of iMovie. And high school was about where my experiences with iMovie ended... I hadn't opened up the program since making the video for my graduation party almost two years ago. Because of this, last week's brief experiment was a welcome refresher.
It's interesting how using a technology you haven't for a while can really bring you back, reminding you of the times when you might have used it often. For me, iMovie is definitely intertwined with my memories of junior and senior year of high school. I'm excited to get to use the program again and become more proficient with it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I hadn't used imovie since we had to do it in a digital media class in high school. Using it in this class, made me realize how much I had forgot how to use it. -Shelby
