Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Our tech of the week is Kahoot, an online quiz creation website. The site has a multitude of uses in the classroom, including to create quizzes to test students on what they know, to start off a class with an fun, competitive activity, or to assign as a group project for students to create their own quiz.
To test how the site works, I created a quick "About Me" quiz. Go to kahoot.it and use the game pin 262085 to try out my quiz!

Update: If anyone tries to take the quiz, let me know if it worked in the comments! It's a public quiz, but I've been having trouble trying to play it by putting in the game code without going through my account.


  1. I had a bit of trouble playing it! You can copy a playable link from the My Kahoots tab

  2. I had a bit of trouble playing it! You can copy a playable link from the My Kahoots tab
