Sunday, May 1, 2016

Final Thoughts

*Summer, summer, summer, summer*
This mantra has been circling through my head for a few days now, and as finals week begins it's hard to think about much else. However, I do want to take some time to reflect on this last semester. There is a lot of truth to the saying "sophomore slump" but that doesn't mean I haven't learned a lot.
I have to admit, at the start of the semester I was not exactly excited to be taking TEAC 259. It was just another class to cross off the list on the way to getting my education minor. "Instructional technology" seemed like a very specific topic that might not apply to me in my future speech pathology career. I am glad to say that I was wrong. I think the most valuable thing I have learned is what kind of attitude I should have when approaching using technology in my future practice. This attitude should include having an open mind and not getting too stuck in my ways. It should include analyzing what technology so I can use it with a purpose and understand what affordances it can give me, not just using technology for the sake of using it. This also means I should keep up to date on the latest advancements so I can advocate for what may be best for my clients. Previously, I had not thought much about technology as something that a teacher or practitioner needs to give critical thought to, but it really is something that when use correctly can offer amazing affordances.
Me teaching my final lesson for Guided Learning 2.0.
I was much less nervous this time around!
This class has also given me opportunities to try some unique projects, like writing this blog or teaching my very first lesson (see picture)! I also enjoyed the very collaborative feel of the classroom, where we were all in it together, trying to figure out new technology.
This class got me thinking a lot, and while I don't have all the answers, I appreciate the start of the thought process. I enjoyed reading articles about Universal Design for Learning and the prevalence of mobile technologies being used for AAC devices. These are the kind of topics that I would love to explore more and utilize this knowledge as I continue on with my education.

This may be all for my TEAC 259 blog, but I'm just getting started on my educational journey. With four more years of college ahead of me (thanks, grad school...) I have a lot of learning left to do. This has been a great stop in my path to becoming the best SLP I can be possibly be. Thanks to anyone who's taken the time to read my thoughts... xoxo Madison